Take Good Care of Your Teeth to Set a Good Example for Your Children

Young children look to their parents and other caregivers for clues on how they are to take care of themselves. It brings a toddler or preschooler great joy to be able to complete some self-care tasks themselves, such as brushing their teeth. That’s why you can never start too early when it comes to teaching oral healthcare. O.C. Dental Specialists recommends that you start teaching your baby the importance of keeping the mouth clean even before the first tooth comes in. You can do this by wiping his or her gums clean with a warm, damp cloth after every feeding.

A Lifetime of Good Habits Starts Early

Besides teaching your child how to brush, floss, and make good food choices at home, one of the most important things you can do for his or her oral health is choose the right kids dentist. This dental health professional helps guide you as you guide your child. One important topic we cover at your child’s preventive care exam is providing your child with healthy snacks and avoiding sugar-filled foods whenever possible. Additionally, it’s important for babies older than age one to learn to drink from a sippy cup since drinking from a bottle increases the risk of cavities.

We also encourage you to check your child’s mouth frequently for signs of early periodontal disease. Common symptoms include bad breath, gums receding from the teeth, bleeding gums, and bright red or swollen gums. If you notice any of these, schedule an appointment with us for an immediate evaluation.

Sedation Options for Children

Some parents avoid bringing their child to the dentist because of his or her extreme anxiety. That no longer has to be an issue with safe and effective sedation for children at O.C. Dental Specialists. This option is ideal for anxious children as well as those with a physical or mental handicap, strong gag reflex, kids who need major treatment, and those who had a traumatic dental experience in the past.