Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is a popular solution for teeth replacement or replace several missing teeth near each other. Bridges help enhance your smile by filling teeth gaps and restoring the functionality of your teeth and reducing discomfort. If you have lost your teeth due because of an dental injury or periodontal disease such as gingivitis. Our seasoned dentists Irvine will determine if it’s a dental bridge, a dental implant, or a combination of the two cosmetic dental procedures that are most appropriate for your specific needs.
Graphical image explaining Tooth replacement with a traditional bridge

Removable Bridge

A removable dental bridge is a good solution to replace one or more missing teeth, most especially in more complex dental situations where other replacement options are not possible. Thus particular type of dental bridge is usually created with a tooth-colored artificial tooth which is combined with metal clasps that is hooked on the natural teeth beside or adjacent it. Removable bridges are the cheapest option for teeth replacement compared to fixed dental bridges, dentures, or dental implant. A removable bridge can also be least pleasing when it comes to the aesthetic part due to the metal clasps on the appliance that are often impossible to conceal.

Fixed Bridge

Fixed dental bridges are made mostly of porcelain or composite and attached and cemented permanently to the patient’s natural teeth adjacent to the missing tooth area. The main advantage of this type of bridge is that it is fixed and is well-built. However, in order to create a fixed dental bridge, two healthy and natural teeth of the patient will have to be crowned to hold the bridge in place.

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Dental Bridge Procedure

You need to visit your dentist a couple of times to receive your new dental bridge. During the first visit, your dentist drills away a small amount of tooth enamel to ensure there is enough space to place the device. He or she then takes an impression of your teeth and jaw and sends it to a dental laboratory. Your dentist fits you with a temporary porcelain bridge before you leave.

You receive your permanent dental bridge during the second appointment. After using special dental cement to place it in your mouth, your dentist carefully checks the fit and performs any needed adjustments. Lastly, the dentist cements the new crown into place. Our dental specialists will provide you with detailed care instructions.

There are many variables in determining the costs of dental bridges. Your dentist provides you with this information during your initial consultation. This is also the ideal time to inquire about our numerous dentistry payment options if dental insurance doesn’t cover your dental procedure.

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I’ve been coming to this office for just under a year, and I have to say, I’ve never encountered a more caring and friendly staff.

Dr. Sharma is kind and also incredibly friendly, highly professional, and extremely competent. I can’t recommend this office enough!

Andi K.


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